Dr. David Shields of Shields Chiropractic
I recently treated a old patient that I hadn’t seen for approximately 10 years. Her mother called me and related that her daughter had been in a horrible motor vehicle roll-over accident and had suffered a Jefferson Burst. This is an exploding fracture of the Atlas Vertebra. Her daughter had been life flighted to a trauma center in Morgantown West Virginia where she was sedated and a full neck/head halo was prescribed and applied to stabilize the fracture and prevent severing of the spinal cord. After 10 days in the hospital her daughter had been discharged but after she had been weaned from the heavy narcotics she developed severe low back pain with sciatica. Her mother asked me “was there anything I could do to help her pain”.
That Sunday I packed up my portable table and my new 4 Ch Combo Stim unit and drove two hours to Ohiopyle, PA from my office in Greensburg. When I got there the first comment she made was about how folicly challenged I had become in the last ten years. (The darn things patient’s come up with !) Despite this, I set up my Pro-4 and portable table and assisted her onto the table. My first concern was to put the fire out so I used 4-pad acute pain control protocol which utilizes IFC for 30 minutes. After that I did approximately 15 minutes of myofascial release to her low back and sciatic area. After the myofascial release work I applied a 30 minute programmed sequence with the Pro-4 which included a Premodulated nerve block at the L-4/5 area and then High-Volt to her left low back to reduce the inflammation. While this was going on I utilized the low-back ultrasound protocol to improve circulation.
After an hour and a half I packed up and went home. That following Wednesday I called to check on her progress. She related that she had total relief of her low-back and sciatic symptoms. It amazes me how effective protocol based therapy can be even on the most severe cases. My thanks to the Bryanne Enterprises!